治文山(Richmond Hill)持續為保護城市森林取得重大進展


Richmond Hill Making Progress Caring for its Urban Forest

Richmond Hill’s commitment to nurturing our urban forest is yielding remarkable results. Through the implementation of our Urban Forest Management Plan, we’ve seen our woodlots revitalized, invasive species addressed, and vibrant community engagement in tree planting initiatives. Our urban forest, consisting of 2.96 million trees, is not just a shared asset but a vital component of our city’s well-being. The recently concluded Urban Forest Study demonstrates a growth in canopy cover and tree health, while also highlighting areas for ongoing improvement. Your active involvement is essential as we work together to protect and nurture this natural treasure for a greener, healthier Richmond Hill.





Richmond Hill’s Commitment to Bird Conservation

Dear Residents,

Have you ever stopped to wonder about the benefits of birds? They are incredibly beautiful creatures, providing us with essential services such as food, seed dispersal, pollination, pest control, and sanitation, not to mention the joy of their presence in our lives. It is a small price for them to ask for our help in their survival. Shockingly, over 3 billion birds are killed annually in North America, and this is a concerning trend we must address.

Richmond Hill is determined to reduce these threats and be part of the solution. As we work towards our Bird-Friendly City certification, we need your support and involvement.


摘要:2023年10月13日,列治文山庆祝了13位本地艺术家为城市150周年壁画项目做出的杰出贡献。这些壁画点缀社区,其中一件耀眼之作展示在Richmond Green Sport Centre外墙上。加拿大政府资助了这些壁画和其他RH150活动,感谢所有艺术家的杰出贡献。探索这些壁画和艺术家信息,请访问RichmondHill.ca/RH150。

Community News – Oct 2023

City of Richmond Hill Oak Wilt Alert Oak wilt, a destructive disease impacting all oak tree species, has now reached Richmond Hill. Red oaks are particularly at risk, and there’s no known cure. To safeguard our city’s oak trees: For further information, contact us at naturalenvironment@richmondhill.ca. Protect our urban forest! Help Keep the Roads Safe


列治文山 – 列治文山市积极致力于提高我们社区的生活质量,我们非常重视您的意见。我们非常高兴地宣布,我们正在积极审查和更新物业标准法规,目前正在进行中,我们邀请您,我们珍贵的居民,积极参与这一重要事业! 为什么这个问题如此重要? 物业标准法规在维护我们社区的美观和整体福祉方面发挥着至关重要的作用。它积极监管各种属性,包括空地、文化遗产属性,以及关键方面,如篱笆、院子、车道和建筑物。您的意见将直接影响我们美丽城市内的物业标准法规。 参与其中 – 您的声音很重要! 您是一位自豪的列治文山居民吗?您的意见对我们非常重要,我们希望听到您的声音!请抽出一些时间积极通过我们的物业标准调查与我们分享您的想法。这是您表达您对居住区物业维护满意程度以及最关心的问题的机会。您的宝贵反馈将积极指导我们制定最适合我们社区需求和愿望的法规。 如何参与: 保持了解: 积极访问 RichmondHill.ca/Bylaw 以积极了解市政规章和即将进行的调查。 您的积极参与和意见将在使列治文山成为一个更加充满活力和美丽的居住之地方面起着关键作用。我们感谢您成为我们社区增长和发展不可或缺的一部分。共同努力,我们可以积极取得卓越成就!

Community News – Aug 2023

🎉 Happy Labour Day and Get Ready for Back-to-School! 📚 Dear Everyone, Enjoy a fantastic Labour Day while gearing up for an exciting return to school. Let’s honour our workers’ dedication and get set for a successful academic year! Best wishes, Regional Councillor Joe DiPaola 🌟 Discover Your Future with Us – Richmond Hill Part-Time Opportunities! 🌟

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